Required textbooks for Elmhurst University may be returned for a full refund under the following conditions:
The receipt may be required to return book(s) or merchandise. CLICK HERE if you need a free return label.
The book must be returned within 7 days of start of a new session.
The book must be in original resalable condition. If the book
was purchased new, it must be returned in new condition: i.e. NO marks,
hi-lighting, bent covers or creased pages. Books which were purchased
wrapped or sealed must be in original packaging.
Books paid for with cash may be returned for cash.
Books paid for by check must be returned within the given time
period, but you'll receive a credit slip which will be redeemable for
cash after 14 days from the date of your check.
All Returns must be made at the location where the item was purchased.
Please contact us if you have any questions concerning your purchases at Beck's Book Store.
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